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Current courses

My courses at National Chengchi University for the present academic year (2023-2024).

Semester 2 (Spring 2024)

Semantics / 語意學

Austronesian languages / 南島語言學

Austronesian Studies Capstone Project / 南島研究專題 (co-taught with Niki Alsford)

Semester 1 (Autumn 2023)

The Languages of the Pacific: History, Linguistics, Sociology, and Politics / 環太平洋語言:歷史,語言,社會與政治

Field Methods / 田野調查

Literature and literacy in the Austronesian region / 南島地區語言文學與文字化 (co-taught with Sander Adelaar)

Previous courses

National Chengchi University 2022-2023

Semantics / 語意學 (Sem 2)

語言的人文與科學 / The Humanity and Science of Language (general education class; co-taught) (Sem 2)

The Languages of the Pacific: History, Linguistics, Sociology, and Politics / 環太平洋語言:歷史,語言,社會與政治 (Sem 1)

Linguistic Typology / 類型語言學 (Sem 1)

Literature and literacy in the Austronesian region / 南島地區語言文學與文字化 (co-taught with Sander Adelaar) (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2021-2022

Semantics / 語意學 (Sem 2)

The Semiotics of East and West / 比較符號學 (Sem 2)

The Languages of the Pacific: History, Linguistics, Sociology, and Politics / 環太平洋語言:歷史,語言,社會與政治 (Sem 1)

Literature and literacy in the Austronesian region / 南島文學賞析 (co-taught)(Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2020-2021

Semantics / 語意學 (Sem 2)

Field Methods / 田野調查 (Sem 2)

Linguistic Typology / 類型語言學 (Sem 1)

語言的人文與科學 / The Humanity and Science of Language (co-taught) (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2019-2020

Semantics / 語意學 (Sem 2)

New Advances in Modern Linguistics / 代語言學新趨勢 (Sem 2; co-taught)

語言的人文與科學 / The Humanity and Science of Language (Sem 2; co-taught)

Videos week 2 and 3

語言與世界 / Language and the World (College of Foreign Languages) (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2018-2019

Field Methods / 田野調查 (Sem 2)

Semantics / 語意學 (Sem 2)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2017-2018

An introduction to the Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Taiwan / 台灣原住民語言與文化簡介 (Sem 2)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 2)

The Languages of the Pacific: History, Linguistics, Sociology, and Politics / 環太平洋語言:歷史,語言,社會與政治 (Sem 1)

Linguistic Typology / 類型語言學 (Sem 1)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2016-2017

Classics of Linguistics (Sem 2)

The Semiotics of East and West / 比較符號學 (Sem 1)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2015-2016

Linguistic Typology / 類型語言學 (Sem 2)

Semantics / 語意學 (Sem 2)

Historical Linguistics / 歷史語言學 (Sem 1)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2014-2015

Austronesian languages / 南島語言學 (Sem 2)

The Semiotics of East and West / 比較符號學 (Sem 2)

Gathering and Recording of Linguistic Material / 語料的採集與謄錄 (with David Holm) (Sem 2)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1)

English Writing and Reading (II) / 寫作與閱讀(二) (Sem 1)

National Chengchi University 2013-2014

Language Evolution / 語言演化 (Sem 1)

Linguistic typology / 類型語言學 (Sem 2)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1 & 2)

National Chengchi University 2012-2013

Field Methods / 田野調查 (Sem 1)

Austronesian Languages / 南島語言 (Sem 2)

English Oral Training 2 / 英語口語訓練(二) (Sem 1 & 2)

Language and World Civilization / 語言與世界文明 (Sem 1 & 2)

La Trobe University 2010

English: A User’s Guide